Free Dedicated IP

No-cost dedicated IP for your machine

A cost-free dedicated IP is bundled as a special bonus with the Semi-dedicated 2 server package. You can make use of it to set up your individual name servers that can point to your private IP address or to promptly install an SSL certificate for your site.

You can take advantage of the dedicated IP address just after you get access to your Web Control Panel. Also, it is easy to ask for additional IPs from the Web Control Panel. We have tried our best to give you the best costs available on the market.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

24x7x365 client help

jCloudHost’s staff of knowledgeable techs is on duty 24/7 for just about any requests that you may have as related to our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages. Irrespective of whether you require tips or have a really serious concern to resolve, we’re here to show you how to. You can let us know by using mail or by way of the ticketing platfrom. A 1 hour reaction is warranted. You can also call us on the phone or work with the online chat support during company hours.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

Free of cost SSH access privileges for your server

To let you work directly with your server, without the need to use the Web Control Panel, we provide SSH access with your Linux semi-dedicated hosting package. With this capability, you’ll be able to promptly interact with your documents, databases and domain names using your console. Nevertheless, as you will share the server with a few other customers, there’ll be no way for you to customize the server’s settings.

SSH access privileges are included as an add-on service with the smaller plan, and as a completely free add-on with the bigger package.

SSH Access

Data Backups

Your site content could be restored any time

No site is shielded against hack assaults or from accidental information erasure on your end. With our backup solution, we are ready to get back your site information at any time. On top of the standard server backup copies that we create, you can yourself create manual backup copies of your site information with just a single mouse–click from the File Manager area of your Apps Installer. Just create an archive file of the directories that you want to manually backup and put it in a location in your hosting account that you like.

Data Backups

  • Service guarantees

  • The Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages are installed for you totally free. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access. Cost–free Control Panel integrated.
  • Compare our prices

  • Examine the allocations and parameters provided by the Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages. Begin with a cheaper server setup and upgrade with simply a click when your web presence expands.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Write to us at any time by email or by using the ultra–fast ticketing platform. We’re going to react in up to 60 minutes.